Twelve weeks of good habits for a better body and mind.

It’s a beautiful time of year in Port Moody. The euphoria initiated by longer days and the smell of barbecue in the air tempts us to acquiesce in a life of decadent relaxation. And here I am to wake you up and introduce a few good habits. Not only are these activities fun, they will help you enjoy summer more and ensure that September stress doesn’t kick your ass.
01: Hiking Challenge
Take a relaxing walk for a minimum of 20 minutes per day and complete one 45-minute hike in the trees each week. Read the Companion Article Here.
02: Hydrate
Hydration improves joint and muscle health. Drink 1.5L per day for every 100 lbs you weigh. Read the full article here
03: Meditate or pray for 20 minutes each day.
Like chiropractic care, meditation helps to balance and normalize the function of the nervous system. Read more about it in this article.
04: Get Adjusted Every Week
Use the summer to stock up on spinal health. I am giving deep discounts to individuals, couples and families who want to commit to weekly adjustments for the summer. In addition, summer hours have changed to include Tuesday evening and Saturday morning, to help you get your weekly adjustment in.
To accept the challenge, just click this link
When you sign up, you will get access to significant discounts that will last the summer. There is no prepayment, no contracts, just your desire and better health for you. My hope is that I can make your weekly care accessible for you and your family this summer.